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donderdag, september 18, 2008

Our heart

Time will teach us who we are, will take us where we need to be. Even though it slips through our fingers, there has to be time. Likewise our heart is as time, it ticks on and on and allows us to live without being quiet. When the sky turns dark and the heart makes no more noise, there is silence… At one’s wit’s end is the one who leaves life. Then only do you feel what life is like. Also try to warm his hart, for that he may embrace life again. There is no place for hatred and jealousy in a loving heart. There are people who dance through life, others progress only
painstakingly. If you belong to the latter group, try to colour your life so that you can perk up your life. Give true life to your heart all your life, as a rare flower which you have to nurture. Enjoy this beauty and try to caress, to charm, to embrace, each sun ray, each flourishing flower. Welcome it wholeheartedly, this will make you think positively. This inner strength will awaken deep in you and will make you feel that your heart is always vigilant

1 reacties, klik hier om een reactie te plaatsen:

Anoniem zei

William,i'm completely surprised about your English knowhow.Try to carry on.Congratulations.Greetings from THE KING

Even Doorklikken


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