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donderdag, december 13, 2007

Whole of mankind we keep within the golden gleam of Rev. Moon and wesee the power of God's Son at work in the hearts of many. We perceivethe sparkling star with the shape of Christ in the middle, emanatinghis power, his spirit and his love over whole of mankind. We bringall who have called for help or healing under this golden healinglight. May the blessing of God be upon this work.Persistent and beautiful tuned in the light of God and the power ofGod's angels, we think about all of the people who are sick andsuffer. Hence peace will prevail on earth by our cooperation andlove. Let's unite all of the nations as Rev. Moon is teaching us.It's like the sun which seems so far away and nonetheless its warmthis so near to our heart. Let's share this warmth with all who arecold so that they may also learn to receive love and warmth."

2 reacties, klik hier om een reactie te plaatsen:

Anoniem zei

Wie is hij wat doet hij en UPF ?

Anoniem zei

Is dit jullie grote leider ? met zoveel fantasie,dat hij de wereld gaat veranderen.Gelukkig wordt hij oud en

Even Doorklikken


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