donderdag, november 26, 2009

Your future is the manifestation of your present train of thought and imagination, with which you give it shape. Man is what he thinks all day long. If you change your current thinking, you change your entire life. You can give a direction to the cosmic stream deep inside you and thus influence the experiences you have in this life. In this way you can realize in your life the desires you nourish deep in your heart. Your spirit is continually engaged with thoughts, representations, ideas, dreams and ambitions which come and go. Also your circumstances are continually subjected to alterations, alterations that occur in accordance with your thinking habits. In this way you create your own success or failure, by means of both conscious and subconscious thoughts. Each thought you accept consciously will – in case you invest your faith into it – germinate like a seed in your subconsciousness and bear fruit, in accordance with the species it belongs to. IN THIS WAY YOU CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE. We use aids to realize all this, such as meditation or prayer. If you are a believer, you use the name of GOD, if you are a non-believer, you will believe in another power. Can we use COSMIC POWER here? This cosmic energy (or Divine power) is full of love and is hidden in each one of us. Let us discover it and make use of it. Think that the world is a reflection of ourselves and let it be a positive reflection. Believe in the Divine energy, let it be a means to change your life in a positive way. It boils down to living OUR LORD’S PRAYER in a positive way: Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us your creative power, with positive thoughts in word and deed. Deliver us from the negative in the present and till the end of times. Amen.
Think: thoughts have power, learn to use them.