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zondag, januari 27, 2008

Life is as a golden silk thread,so frail stressed and yet flexible no turn ever to be forgotten. To laugh, to cry, happiness or sadness, this is our thread of life. During our life on earth this golden thread connects our mind and body. Soon or later however, our golden thread of life will snap. The world slips out of our broken silk thread. The realization arises I have to let go this beautiful earthly existence, And again we return to the question if God created us or if we made Him great. As such we return to this golden silk thread.
Foto Isabelle Lescrauwaet

From the sky He looks down on His World Sees the top of the mountains, the prairies, the lakes, the people who live there, the earth. The green grass made place for a thousand stones. Nature lost, no more woodlands, no more of their whispering to hear. A reflexion of My face in the water.We may see again the blue, bright sky music may sound all around us, the wonderful message that we are not alone.

The woman of my life, in her eyes I see heaven and earth. She reflects her soul like the radiance of the sun in the sea. A sea of beauty so close to me. Which human can deserve this? The closeness of a delicious, beautiful and lovely energy which cuddles me under her wings as a mother does with her child. Which feeling you get when we are together? It is beyond words… This feeling is, if not Divine, almost Divine, as if you are in unity with the nocturnal starry sky, with a summer sunrise or with the woman of your life.

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